Nobody’s immune to the mid-afternoon energy slump. You may be smashing your sleep targets and getting enough rest – yet you can still get hit with a wave of tiredness and a whole bunch of zzzzzzzz’s. If you’re smart, you’ll know that it’s probably not the best time to pour a coffee. But if it’s a natural, caffeine-free pick-me-up you’re after, MOJU’s Ginger Shot may be just what you need.
All the C you need
Why? Well, simply put, vitamin C is known for helping to reduce tiredness and fatigue. In one study which took place over 30 days, participants performed aerobic exercise to exhaustion before and after consuming vitamin C – and those with higher concentrations outperform those with lower levels. Similarly, in another study within an office environment, workers were given either a placebo or vitamin C – and again, those who were upping their intake had much more energy than those popping the fake.
Swapping spiky for spicy
Another time you might feel a little snoozy is after a meal – and there’s a few different theories as to why. One of them is high blood sugar. Depending on what you’re eating, there’s a chance your levels could soar – and your body reacts to the sudden spike by producing insulin. It’s insulin’s job to store the glucose circulating in your blood as fuel in the cells. However, if you’re unable to produce enough to do that, the cells don’t receive the energy they need and as a result, we feel tired.
The good news is that research has shown that ginger can positively impact fasting blood sugar levels – so it might help assist with your blood sugar spikes and stave off that tiredness and fatigue.
So there you have it – one more excuse to get shotting your MOJU on the daily. Go grab yourself some Ginger and stay on firing form, all day!